See, our financial advisor is pushing it pretty hard, even had Nelson Nash come to pimp it. I've done a ton of research, and frankly, I don't get it. I mean, I completely understand the theory and the practice, but I really don't understand why people would choose it over a decent savings account or a low or 0% loan (while having the cash to pay it off). For example:
Example 1: Using CASH for purchase. $10000 account earning 5%.
I take out the $10000 and make purchase. It is no longer earning 5%. So, after 1 year, I have lost $500 in interest, correct? Well, lets say at the end of the year I put back the $10000 + $500 ($10500). So, it was as if I never took money out in the first place because I added $500 out of my pocket to make up for the lost interest. The opportunity cost of using the money was 5%, but I made it up by "charging myself" 5%. Following? Ok.
-This transaction cost $500 out-of-pocket and I have $10500.
Example 2: Commercial loan. $10000 at 5% interest.
I take a 5% loan from a bank and leave my $10000 in the bank, still earning 5% interest. At the end of the year, I pay off the loan in full for $10000 + an additional out pocket $500. My bank acoount earned $500, but the loan interest cost me $500. The opportunity cost of using this method was 0, but the interest cost of using this money was 5%.
-This transaction cost $500 out-of-pocket and I have $10500.
Example 3 (Infinite Banking): Policy loan for $10000, current loan rate 5%.
I take a 5% loan from my policy and make my $10000 of cash value collateral, still earning 5% interest + dividends. At the end of the year, I pay off the loan in full for $10000 plus an additional out of pocket $500 to free up my collateral. My cash value earned $500, but the loan interest cost me $500. The opportunity cost of using this money was 0, but the interest cost that I needed to pay free up my collateral was 5%.
-This transaction cost $500 out-of-pocket and I have $10500.
So why would I pay all the fees and whatnot for front-loading an IB system when I could do the first two options much easier? I know that IB technically has some tax shelter properties, but I'm thinking the HYOOOOGE fees in the startup kinda kill any tax advantages offered. What am I missing?