Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Bob Shieffer's Freudian Slip

Was watching CBS news tonight (I have no idea why), and right before the 5:40 break, Bob was mentioning Sec Def Rumsfield. Well, he refers to him as " Rumsfeld". Nice shooting, there, Bob-O. What a hack.


JTapp said...

Hey man, I love Bob Scheiffer. He's the whole reason I watch the evening news. If you like sarcastic comments like "Go figure," and "Well, then..." after ridiculous stories then Bob is your man. I like a little bite in my newscast.

Greatmoose said...

You're absolutely right, J. There's no one better with cutting-edge reporting, hard-nose journalism, and relentless pusuit of "The Truth, than Bob "Gunga-Din Jr." Sheiffer.

JTapp said...

One time in a newscast he said "I'm not your Sudoku daddy." I still haven't gotten over that.

Greatmoose said...

I don't even know what that means...