Monday, April 17, 2006

Official: Tom Cruise is a Nut Bar

From Drudge:

TOM CHEWS: Tom Cruise yesterday revealed his latest bizarre eat his new baby's placenta...

Mmmmm. Placenta. The other other white meat.
The Story.


Via Ace

From the BBC:

Hollywood actor Tom Cruise has played down reports that he plans to eat the placenta of his new baby.
The War of the Worlds star was quoted in GQ magazine saying he thought the placenta and umbilical cord would be "very nutritious".

But in a subsequent interview with Diane Sawyer on US television, he made light of the comments.

"Yeah, we're going to do that - a whole family thing. Isn't that normal and natural? No, we're not eating it."

Apparently, he is also endowed with SUPERPOWERS!!!1one!

The Top Gun star also insisted he "sensed" fianc?e Katie was pregnant before she told him.

The actor, who recently also claimed he has the power to cure drug addicts, has even been carrying out his own medical scans on the foetus after buying himself an ultrasound machine.


JTapp said...

Keep shedding light on the truth, man. America needs to know its hero is completely wack. That's the sickest thing I've ever heard.

Joshua "Doc" Wible said...

In-Freakin-Credible! So is that gonna be the plot for Mission Impossible 3?