Great link, Ryan. Somehow I have problems believing its not satire.
Q: I am so fed up with looting and predators that my inclination at this point, should I encounter anyone on my property who doesn't belong there, is just to shoot him. Would you care to dissuade me of that notion?
Nagin's Answer: If you shoot them in the butt, that will be OK. And then we'll take them to Charity Hospital and get 'em fixed up.
Wasn't Mayor Nagin's "chocolate dialogs" a classic example of a racist propagating racism...?
Ummm, wait.
I thought only white people were racist...
Where's Willy Wonka when you need him...
This is a classic Q&A of the candidates:
My favorite:
If you have to evacuate your home and can only take one item with you, what is that prized possession?
Landrieu: My kids.
Nagin: One item? Probably my iPod.
They can have their chocolate city. My white tourist dollars won't be going there.
Great link, Ryan. Somehow I have problems believing its not satire.
Q: I am so fed up with looting and predators that my inclination at this point, should I encounter anyone on my property who doesn't belong there, is just to shoot him. Would you care to dissuade me of that notion?
Nagin's Answer: If you shoot them in the butt, that will be OK. And then we'll take them to Charity Hospital and get 'em fixed up.
It actually hurt my brain in deciding if it was real or not..
this quote especially, "answers were not edited."
I guess it makes more since if it's real and Nagin got reelected..
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