Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Moussaoui Gets Life in Prison

This is a travesty. The "man" deserved death. Of course, there are those that say "Oh, but killing him would make him a martyr!" Big hairy deal. Islamofacists already have a bajillion martyrs for thier "cause", what's one more? He should be on his way to hell right now. But no, some idiot on the jury thought it'd be best if "we were the better people." BS.

MyPetJawa has a bit more on the subject.


Daniel said...

Hey bud,
While I agree with your indignation about the verdict, I must say that I hope some "good" American prisoners will make his life miserable from here on out. Call me diabolical (sp?) but I feel certain there is a few inmates that he will board who will "treat him right"...if you know what I mean...
[I have heard that when dudes like him go the big house, stock in Vasiline goes through the roof...yikes...just saying]

And now, my final thought,
(Picture Jerry Springer on his stool at the end of his idiotic show)
There is a payday someday...this terrorist will get his, and likely not in the form of 21 virgins. (virgin women at least)

Greatmoose said...

Yeah, that's my only solace in this as well. That he'll get daily visits from the "Health Inspector." One can only hope. My guess is that they'll put him in segregated lock down, and we'll pay $50,000 a year for this guy's cable TV for the rest of his life. I am truely ashamed of our legal systems at times.

Joshua "Doc" Wible said...

I could not disagree with you more mr moose. If that is your real name! This poor, confused, and mislead person needs another chance, he needs to be treated like we all want to be treated. Free meals, free cable and all the exersize he could want. He should get lots of running, running from every honest? American criminal in the pen who will want to "work out" with him.

Good luck mr islamy. Yours is a fate I wish to never have.

Greatmoose said...

So, as a Doctor, would you prescribe daily "work outs" for him? :)

Shelly said...

As my husband would say, I Hope he doesn't drop his soap in the shower!

Greatmoose said...

I have been known to say that, haven't I... ;)