Thursday, September 28, 2006

Iron Man Has Been Chosen!!!

They've chosen who is going to play Tony Stark in the upcoming Iron Man movie, and it's freakin' PERFECT.


Robert Downey Jr.

That's right.


I can’t even express how much I love that choice. First of all, congratulations to Paramount and Marvel for having the nerve to pin their franchise on Downey.

And when the franchise finally gets into some of Tony Stark’s darkest hours, when he faces down his own demons in the second film or the third, can you imagine how much soul Downey can bring to it? If handled right, that’s some of the most potent dramatic material in any Marvel movie, and now they’ve got the right actor to make it all work.


J. Matthew Barnes said...

Something about this is just...wrong...

Greatmoose said...

See, to me it's perfect. I mean, who better to play a booze addicted playboy than, well, a booze (and drug) addicted playboy?

Joshua "Doc" Wible said...

Iron Man is a goof. Bring me Captain America!

Shelly said...

Oh, heck yes! But who in world would play him?

J. Matthew Barnes said...

not Affleck...

JTapp said...

I seem to remember at some point in the comic book Tony Stark was dying or crippled or something, and wearing the suit was the only thing keeping him alive. Outside of the suit he was a boozing, pill-popping wreck. Sounds like a good Part III to me.

Greatmoose said...

Yeah, depending on which "universe" you follow (regular or Ultimates) he's got a bad heart or brain tumor respectively. And he drinks like a fish no matter what.

Patriot Action said...

I agree with the "not Affleck" comment. Although, that could be used in response for any movie, any situation. Anything where the words, "Who would play that part?" come up, "Not Affleck" would be a valid response.

Greatmoose said...

"What would you like for dinner?" "Not Affleck." Yeah, that works.