Thursday, February 22, 2007

Perry-Gate Update

This keeps getting better and better:

(AP) AUSTIN, Texas Documents obtained by The Associated Press provide new detail about the relationship between Texas Gov. Rick Perry's office and Merck, the company that makes a new vaccine to prevent cervical cancer.

The documents show that Perry's chief of staff met with aides about the vaccine on the same day that Merck donated $50,000 to Perry's campaign and a total of $5,000 to the campaigns of eight Texas lawmakers.

And my favorite part:
The governor's spokesman says the timing is just coincidence.

Right. And if my grandma had wheels, she'd be a wagon.


JTapp said...

I heard the other day that Perry's son being hired by a law firm that is representing TXU's interests. He denies there being any impropriety.

So, what's the legislature doing to reverse the executive order?

Greatmoose said...

So far, nothing. They're "talking about it." That helps a lot.

Ryan said...

I'm just shocked!! Appalled!! /sarcasm

I think we should use Rick's hair as the new border for Texas...I'm pretty sure nothing could penetrate that hair.