Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's Getting Harder To Say No To Obama

Look, I'm a life-long Republican, but more importantly, a diehard conservative. USUALLY, the Republican in a race automatically has my vote, as the republican party is historically the party of conservatives.

But this year, we have John McCain. Not a conservative, but he plays one on TV. On the other side, it looks like we're going to have Barack Obama. Also not a conservative, but he's never claimed to be one.

McCain has been on both sides of just about every issue he's ever taken on. While I do believe that a person can and should change their mind from time to time (after all, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"--Ralph Waldo Emerson), having BOTH opinions on any given topic is just ridiculous. In short, I don't really trust him.

As for Obama, it appears that what you see is what you get. He's a liberal. Apparently he has at least some measure of common sense. He HASN'T been in Washington for most of his life (and that's not a bad thing). I guess my point here is, "the enemy you know is better than the enemy you don't". Just for fun, lets compare the two (shamelessly stolen from 411mania.com):

Obama and McCain both voted for the failed 2007 Immigration Act

Both voted against a bill that would prohibit undocumented immigrants convicted of aggravated felonies, domestic violence, stalking, violation of protection orders, crimes against children, or crimes relating to the illegal purchase or sale of firearms from gaining legal status.

Obama sponsored a bill which would have increased the level of family sponsored immigrants from 226,000 to 567,000. McCain voted no.

Obama cosponsored an amendment that reduces the annual limit on guest workers to two hundred thousand from a ceiling of six hundred thousand proposed.

Obama voted for an amendment that declared English to be the common language of the United States. John McCain voted no. However, he voted against English being the national language whereas McCain voted yes. HOWEVER Obama voted for English to be the unifying language and McCain agreed. I are a bit confused.

Both voted for triple-layered fencing at the border.

They both voted no on the same sex marriage amendment.

Obama voted to provide 500 million to help vets deal with PTSD and substance abuse. McCain voted no.

Both voted yes to embryonic stem cell research

I guess my point is they're both liberal. At least Obama is honest about it. And he APPEARS to be tougher on immigration than McCain. Obama's current plan is this:

1. Make them learn English
2. Make them pay BACK TAXES
3. Make them pay a fine
4. Put them at the back of the line for citizenship

And you know what, that's EXACTLY what we as conservatives have been saying we want. Sounds good to me.

You know, this has been an absolutely fascinating campaign so far. When it started, Hillary had all the advantages. She had the most money, she had the inside track to all the superdelegates, and she seemed to have the press under control. All the local party officials seemed ready to organize the votes to get her the nomination.

Now look at her: she's lost the past ELEVEN primary races, she's having to loan herself money to pay the bills, and the superdelegates aren't so locked down as she thought. It's all falling apart around her and she isn't sure why. Almost every week we see another crack in the facade, another barely contained bought of furious anger at Obama. Hillary simply cannot believe that Obama (of all people) is outsmarting her.

And I think it's wonderful.

Needless to say, I'll be watching the March 4 Texas primaries with great interest.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Don't Say I Never Gave You Nothin'

I give unto you the goosebumps. And it shall be caused by this:

I don't know about you, but watching that I felt like I was 12 years old again. At the end, I got the biggest smile on my face. Looks like a true movie hero is back.

It's about time.

Here's a high-def link.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Most Ridiculous Thing I've Seen In Quite Some Time

If you are in need of a good laugh today, I urge you to take a look at Hilary! Clinton's new campaign ad. It is a celebration of all that is out-of-touch about her. It really does take ridiculousness to a whole new level. Behold:

Fantastic. I never realized how "hip" that "jive turkey" Hillary was. Surely, she has "mad skillz" that are "all up in this hizzy." How can GoBama and McCAIN! compete when she's so "down wit it." Fresh.

It's like her campaign staff asked:

Q: "Hm, what do 18-30 year olds like?"
A: "Gnarly guitar solos, dude!"
A2: "Bitchin'."

In the Pantheon of Things That Are Lame, this claims the crown, even over the Apple MacBook Air.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday Is Here!

I watch with great interest what happens in the Democratic primaries (mainly to make sure the Hildebeast does not win). The GOP primaries: I must tell you, I do not care. They all suck. One's as "good" as the other. Eh.

But now on to teh funny!


Monday, February 04, 2008

No Thank You, Tom Brady!

HA HA! I know Matt is enjoying this. All in all, that was a pretty good game (especially the last 5 minutes). Commercials were good, too. Not sure of my favorite, but when the Terminator came on-screen and starting kicking to crap out of that Fox Football robot, I got pretty giddy. And seeing Justin Timberlake get beat senseless was pretty cool, too.

Here's The Play that won the game. It may just be the most amazing play in Super Bowl history. They're already calling it "The Grab In Glendale", since "The Catch" is already taken.

Great win, Giants!

I think it's safe to say that Eli Manning will no longer be in Peyton's shadow, you know?

Oh, and there's a great thread over on Fark explaining why Football is superior to (and less ghey than) soccer.

"Last I checked, prancing around on grass while kicking a ball doesn't really make you a man."


And some more pics, just because:

Friday, February 01, 2008

Remembering The Greatest Super Bowl Halftime Show Ever

I'll never forget watching the 2002 Super Bowl halftime show. I remember being really excited because it was going to be U2 performing. What I didn't expect was what they were going to be doing. All of a sudden the stadium goes dark, the band starts playing "Mothers of the Disappeared", and the names of the 9/11 victims start scrolling on these tower-like canvases behind the band. Wow.

And The Edge goes into the beginning lines of what is quite possibly U2's greatest song, "Where the Streets Have No Name". And Bono recites Psalm 51. And everybody in the room fell silent.

It was something to see: a band that isn't from the US, pouring out thier hearts in love for our country. It still gets me. If you didn't see it, you owe it to yourself to watch it, and try to image what it was like watching this only a few months after Sept. 11th.

U2 really is the greatest band in the world.