Saturday, March 29, 2008

That Sounds Familiar

I've been saying this for quite some time. Heck, MissSpeech and I have been warning our Financial Peace classes about this. Just nice to have it confirmed.

Jesus from South Texas signed up for credit monitoring at the notoriously scammy He never received the confirmation email and wasn't able to access his account, so he never used it, but forgot to call to cancel it. After three months he realized he was being charged $15 a month as per their terms of service, so he went to their site to retrieve his login credentials and was told the account didn't exist.

See? They even scammed Jesus.


Daniel said...

I have been fighting these guys for over a year.

They are the biggest bunch of con artists and scum bags I have ever run across.

JTapp said...

He should've seen this coming at him "like an atom bomb."