If you didn't know, Hancock is Will Smith's new movie. He plays, well, he plays a bum. An alcholic, homeless "superhero" bum. Sort of. It looks like an absolute riot. The first trailer is actually my favorite, but the second is probably the best. Lemme know if you're pumped for this!
"Do I have permission to touch your body?!"
"It's not sexual!"
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Will Smith is just about the only TRUE movie star we have today. He is only actor I can say that most people will go see no matter what movie he's in. That's how movies used to be, you know. You went for the actor first, then the story. Smith is that guy.
I like.
I much like Goerge Cloony. He much famous in mi countrie. Heis big good.
Well, alrighty then.
I too much like George Clooney and the Looney Toony. And not forgetting Barbarooney who ate a spooney in Juney while chasing a cooney staring at the mooney trying to make Barbarooney swooney he is much big good too.
Yeah, that movie looks awesomely hilarious. Will Smith has come a long way from his Fresh Prince days, although, I wonder what happend to Jazz.........
Jazz is probably in prison. And if you ever say "ate a spooney" to me again, I'll hunt you down and do illegal and painful things to you. Twice.
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