Sunday, May 25, 2008

The GreatMoose Reviews The Movies!

I'm trying to start a new semi-regular section of this blog, a piece where I review movies (usually on DVD) for my reader(s). I know sometimes it's hard to pick a movie when you're at the video store and staring blankly at the wall of new releases, especially if you're with your significant other, as they will invariably wish to view something else. SO, I will offer up my opinions and recommendations, in the hopes of staving of a disheartening experience at the video store.

MissSpeech and I rented a Will Ferrel movie called Stranger Than Fiction tonight, and in short, it was INCREDIBLE. It's certainly not your typical Ferrel movie, as it's not really a comedy (although it IS extremely funny at times), it's more along the lines of The Truman Show in tone (at least to a certain extent).

The movie is about an IRS auditor named Harold Crick (Will Ferrel), who begins to a hear a voice that appears to be narrating his life. It seems inoccent (if a bit strange) until the voice mentions his imminent death. This causes Harold to try to determine the source of the voice, and what is really going on.

The whole premise could have been used as a joke, but thankfully the film goes where such an idea should lead, into some pretty serious territory, and has a very poignant message at the send.

It's very funny, very emotional, and ultimately life-affirming. Even MissSpeech, who tends to fall asleep at the drop of hat these days (due to her 'condition'), stayed awake and alert through the whole thing. You really are drawn into trying to figure out what is happening the poor Harold. It's highly recommended (even has a 73% Fresh rating on Check it out when you get a chance, you won't regret it.

GreatMoose rating: 4.5 (possibly 5) Antlers


Zack said...

I agree that it was a good movie, however, I don't agree with the author characters in the movie. As a "writer" myself and an English major I have to disagree with their conclusion. (it's been awhile since I've seen it, so forgive the 'I don't remember their names' part) But, the male author tells the female author that she can't change the ending, even if it means harold dies, because it is the most poetic and tragic ending possible. That's a big pile. Saving a life by sacrificing yours is tragic, poetic, heroic and all that but just not in the way that they present it. I know I'm being nitpicky, but it rather disappointed me that that was all they came up with. I don't know, just rather anti-climatic.

By the way, side note, this is Zack

Greatmoose said...

Big Zeke! Good to see you!

I had a similar thought when they showed how he was to die: "That's not QUITE as noble as you think it is, Mr. Hoffman." But then I thought about it, and seeing as how the rest of movie is about how uneventful and largely "unepic" most people's lives are, that death was as heroic and epic as Harold could have possibly ever had. Maybe. Cheers!