Friday, June 27, 2008

Is Wall-E Really THAT Good? More than likely...

Over on AICN, Massawyrm has posted a couple of reviews for upcoming movies: Hancock (which he loved), Wanted (not so much), and finally, Disney/Pixar's Wall-E. This is actually one of MY most anticipated movies of the year, and I'm hoping MissSpeech will go with me to see it. Anyhoo, Massa's got a great review, but in the end, he comes down to this:

This is nothing at all like anything Pixar has attempted before. I would say that it’s Brad bird good, but really, this is even better than that. Wall-E is in a class by itself, a nearly indescribable masterpiece of epic proportions that will, regardless of commercial success, be regarded in the film community as one of the very best films in the history of animation. This will no doubt be spoken of in the future alongside such works as Fantastic Planet andFantasia. It is arguably the best thing Disney has ever had their name on and clearly the best with the name Pixar. It will take the Academy Award for best animated next year without anything resembling a fight and will no doubt be on almost every Top ten list you read at the end of the year.

If you have in any way written this off or decided to wait until DVD, you desperately need to reconsider your opinion on the matter. I spent my childhood dreaming about a movie like this. And finally it has come. You really have no idea what you’re in for.

Can it really be THAT good? I certainly hope so (and bet it will be). I'll let you know as soon as I see it.

UPDATE: Some quotes from various reviews:

"As perfect as a movie can be."

"I don't know if it's a masterpiece; what I do know is that it is perfection."

"The 2001 of animation. It's a sci-fi masterpiece."

"Wall-E is art. Hell, it's philosophy -- it's practically religion."

And my favorite:

"Enough to restore your sense of wonder not only in movies, but in the universe as well."


Joshua "Doc" Wible said...

Wow, that is quite the review. I am very looking forward much to this one, Pixar has done some great work, and some work I think not of so greatness. Hopefully Wall.E will live up to the macronomius hype that it is achievingly getting itself into.

JTapp said...

There was an equally good review on NPR today by one of those snobby-sounding critics (he used lots of big words). He was basically calling it one of the best movies ever made. He said that kids would sorta get into the movie but adults would want to see it at least twice.

Zack said...

All your oscars are belonging to Wall.E

I also think Pixar needs to keep distancing itself from Disney and keep doing just what they're doing.