Thursday, March 26, 2009

You Will Believe!

Now the trailer for Where The Wild Things Are is out. And it rocks my face off. Had NO idea what to expect when I clicked play, and found what may be my favorite trailer of the year (as good as Benjamin Button). Do yourself a favor and give it a watch. You won't be sorry.

Many different trailer sizes and qualities here.

I've watched that 7 times now, and it brings a tear to my eye every time. Gawd, i'm such a girl.

I can't WAIT to get the DVD for Molly. Oh, anybody know the song in the trailer?

EDIT: Found the song: Arcade Fire-Wake Up. Just listened to the whole song. Wow. That's is one friggin' fantastic song. There's several different versions of it, even one with David Freaking Bowie! Sweet.

1 comment:

Joshua "Doc" Wible said...

Full of win! Must. Re. Read. Book.