This story just reinforces my belief in the Second Amendment. Short version of the story is an undercover cop initiates a road rage incident against a guy driving in his car with his wife and 2 toddlers. Cop winds up blocking the guy in with car, and approaches the guy's WIFE with his weapon drawn, never having identified himself as a cop. Guy draws his own weapon and shoots the cop in both legs and the gun arm from across the passenger seat! That's some mighty fine shootin' there, son. Anyway, cop lives, guy gets released without charges. Guy's a hero for protecting his family from an overaggressive cop with an inflated sense of power.
You know, normally I support the police; they have an incredibly tough job, with very little thanks. But there's so many stories of cops WAAAAY overstepping thier bounds that sometimes it's nice to read a story where somebody reminds the police that they do NOT rule us peons. Anyway, just wanted to share.
Wow, that is some kind of shooting. Glad the guy got off, cops can certainly get a little big headed at times. Thank you Moose for always bringing me stories that are flippin sweet!
Yeah, I got to thinking, you don't call someone who can shoot like that "son". You ca ll him "Sir."
Thanks "anonymous hillbilly!"
You got that right. Thats a fine bit of fancy shooting, Sir.
in the story they said that the cop is claiming Treptow drew his gun first. I don't buy that. Even in a road rage situation a guy with his WHOLE FAMILY in the car would not pull a gun out like that. I think Treptow's criminal record should be reviewed and (pending no other such violent charges) he should be released with a notch on his barrel.
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